In this section we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to register an ICNS name.

1. Get WICP from Sonic

All payments on ICNS are settled by WICP, so you’ll need to get some WICP first. You can convert ICP to WICP on Sonic. Do not check the “Deposit WICP to Sonic after swap” box, otherwise you’ll need to withdraw WICP from Sonic after the conversion.


do not check.png

2. Search for a name

Search for a name and you will see the state of the name. If the name state is “Available” then you can click “Place bid” to start an auction, or if the name is in auction, you can place bid in the auction.


Different name states:


3. Start an auction / place a bid

If the name is available and not in auction, you can start an auction on the name:


Type in a starting price to start the auction. Learn more about the auction price in our FAQ.


Anyone can raise bid in an ongoing auction.
